Pet Portraits

Looking for a special gift, wanting a keepsake of a fury family member? Commission a portrait of your pet. Use the form below to contact me today to get started.


7 Tips to get a Great Photo of your Pet

  1. Get down to your pets level.

  2. Natural Light is best. Try to be near a window or outside but be careful of strong sunlight. A slightly overcast day is perfect for a photo session.

  3. Take LOTS OF PICTURES!! Your chances of getting a great one will be much better. You can use the burst mode on your phone.

  4. Focus on your pets’ eyes. The Eyes are the “window to the soul”

  5. Try to capture your Pets Personality

  6. Get Fido’s attention. Talk to them, you can even just tap the phone case with something they’ve never seen before, like a lip balm. You can use a sound on your phone to get their attention, like a squeaky toy noise, or animal sounds. I’ve even seen someone stick a piece of salami to their phone!!

  7. Send multiple pictures, if possible.

“I am in love with the painting she did for me of my dogs. She captured the very essence of their joy playing together - so life like and it is a memory I will treasure always. Thank you”